
作者: 發布于:2018-9-23 9:57:55





  根據歐盟內部達成的協議,到2020年年底,歐洲的每一個新建建筑,都必須是“低能耗影響”(近零能耗建筑或者NZEB),即,能源需求非常低的建筑,無論如何,都要被“可再生能源”所覆蓋。所謂“可再生能源”(Renewable Energy),是指來自大自然的能源,取之不盡,用之不竭,會自動再生,是相對于會窮盡的不可再生能源的一種能源,可再生能源的主要表現形式,有太陽能、空氣能、地熱能、風能、潮汐能、生物質能,等等。




  Air source heat pumps(空氣源熱泵)

  Annual running costs will be significantly lower when compared to conventional methods such as gas and oil.


  CO2 Emissions – (二氧化碳的排放量——實際上,采用空氣源熱泵系統,比采用其它供暖形式,二氧化碳氣體的排放量,要少許多)

  Simple to maintain and built with good quality materials.


  The temperature provided by the heat pump is lower than conventional forms of heating such as gas and oil meaning the heat emitter must be sized correctly to ensure the building is comfortably heated.


  The heat pump will need to be located externally with 1.5 metres of free space in front and roughly 0.5 metres to each side.


  The cost depends on the size of the property and heat loss of the building.


  The running costs also depends on these factors as well as the way you use you heating system.


  You will always save money when converting to a heat pump; how much you save depends mainly on your existing fuel type.


  To increase your savings and return on investment the following should be considered;


  Heat emitter – Underfloor heating is ideal but not always possible.


  If using existing radiators they must be sized correctly.(如果使用現有散熱器, 則必須正確調整大小。)

  Isle – eco will undertake a detailed heat loss calculation to ensure the correct capacity is installed and radiators are sized correctly.

  (Isle - eco將進行詳細的熱損失計算,以確保安裝正確的容量,并確保散熱器的尺寸正確。)

  Fuel costs – Unfortunately there will still be a fuel bill to pay as the heat pump uses electricity to operate although at a much higher efficiency and lower cost.

  (燃料成本 —— 不幸的是,當熱泵使用電力運行時,仍然會有燃料費用支付,盡管效率更高,成本更低。)

  In some cases solar photovoltaic can be used to run the heat pump.


  Replacing older boilers – Savings will be higher when replacing an old existing boiler as its age often reflects its efficiency.


  Controls – They way in which the heat pump is designed and controlled are important and can vary from system to system.

  (控制 —— 熱泵的設計和控制方式非常重要,因系統而異。)

  Understanding how your system is controlled will guarantee a sharper performance with more cost effective results.


  You can expect the system to operate effectively for 20 years providing regular maintenance is undertaken; this is also required to qualify for all warranties.


  All our clients are given an installation and maintenance handbook which should enable the end user to undertake minor maintenance works such as cleaning debris from the inlet grille and checking pressure and flow rates via gauges located on the system.


  An anti-freeze is used within the system to prevent freezing at the external unit.


  The concentration of anti-freeze will need to be monitored and changed every 3-5 years to ensure adequate protection.


  Installing a ground or air source heating system will not require planning permission providing:


  The highest point of the installation must be no more than 2.5 meters above ground level


  Noise emanating from an air pump must comply with the noise rating curve equivalent to the background level measured 1 meter from the boundary of the nearest residential premises.


  Air Source Heat Pumps Explained(空氣源熱泵說明)

  獨立住宅,空氣源熱泵,冬天(WINTER)和夏天(SUMMER),室外空氣(Outside Air)、冷空氣(Cooled Air)、熱空氣(Warm Air)的運作,示意圖。

  Heat pumps are one of the best options in the world of energy efficiency, particularly for the cold New England winters.


  How Does a Heat Pump Work? (熱泵是如何工作的?)

  The most basic explanation of a heat pump is that it moves warm air from one place to another.


  In the winter the refrigerant in the system absorbs heat from the cold air outside and transfers it inside your home.

  (在冬季, 系統中的制冷劑吸收外面冷空氣中的熱量, 并把它轉移到你的家中。)

  It may seem counter-intuitive to use cold air as a heat source, but heat energy is present even at very cold temperatures.

  (用冷空氣作為熱源,似乎是有悖常理, 但是,即使在非常冷的溫度下, 熱能也會存在。)

  In the summer the process is reversed and the pump will act as an air conditioner, absorbing the heat from within your home and transferring it outside.


  Thanks to advancements in technology you can now install Cold Climate Heat Pump (CCHP) that function at temperatures as low as -17 degree Fahrenheit.


  With a heat pump homeowners can expect to see anywhere from $1000-$1500 in savings.

  (使用熱泵,房主可以預計從任何地方看到1000 ~ 1500美元的節省。)

  If you heat with cord wood or wood pellets you can expect to see slight savings.


  Homeowners with newer natural gas systems will see very little, if any savings.


  Something worth considering is that is oil and propane prices can fluctuate significantly while electricity prices stay relatively stable.


  Yes! Heat pumps are two times more efficient than the average air conditioning unit and are much quieter as well.


  Many units have smart controls, making it easy to keep temperatures in your home stable and comfortable.


  Heat pumps will also filter and dehumidify the air inside your home year-round.


  Alright I Want One, How Expensive Are They? (好的, 我想要一個, 他們有多貴?)

  The cost of installation will, on average, fall within the $3000-$8000 range.


  Not a small amount of money to be sure, however, with financing you could see savings in the first year!



  Heating systems designed with Air Source Heat Pump technology are flexible and more cost effective in the long term than a traditional fossil fuel boiler.


  If you're currently using heating oil, LPG or electric to heat your home, you could save money on your heating bills and have greater control over your heating.


  1. Heat pump(熱泵) 、2. DHW cylinder( Domestic Hot Water cylinder——生活熱水存儲罐)、3. Heating water buffer cylinder(供暖熱水緩沖存儲罐)

  Air Source Heat Pumps extract heat from the air around us and if installed correctly can heat our homes when the outside temperature is as low as -15C. Working like a fridge, but in reverse, they do require some electric to produce heat, but for every unit of electric they use, they can produce up to 4.35 units of heat - so that's up to 3.35 units of free heat for your home.

  (空氣源熱泵,從我們周圍的空氣中提取熱量, 如果正確安裝, 可以在室外溫度低至-15度的時候加熱我們的房屋。運作過程,如同冰箱一樣,但是相反,他們確實需要一些電來產生熱量,但是他們使用的每個電力單元都可以產生高達4.35個單位的熱量 —— 所以這就為您的家庭提供了高達3.35個單位的免費熱量。)

  Air Source Heat Pumps live outside, so unlike a gas or biomass boiler, they don't take up any room inside your home.


  Easy to install – they don’t require as much space as Ground Source or Biomass systems and only take a few days to install.

  (易于安裝 —— 它們不需要像地源熱泵系統或生物質燃料鍋爐系統占用那么多的空間,只需要幾天的安裝時間。)

  Low maintenance – they require very little maintenance and have a life span of well over 20 years.

  (低維護 —— 他們需要很少的維護,壽命超過20年。)

  Because they run at lower temperatures they are a perfect heat source for underfloor heating systems and used properly, regulate the temperature of your house more efficiently.



  Air source heat pumps have been seen by some as a panacea, but in fact this isn't quite the case.


  As the Energy Saving Trust’s field trials showed, the right specification is critical, and they are not suitable for all properties.


  Key points raised by this study included the fact that new-build projects and well-insulated existing homes that are off-grid have the potential to have their running costs reduced through installing an air source heat pump.


  The best performance can be assured if the house is as well insulated as possible, and features low-temperature underfloor heating or over-sized radiators, as well as user-friendly controls.


  If correctly specified, an air source heat pump should be able to provide 100% of a home’s domestic hot water, but often an electric immersion heater is installed too.


  They should also be advised that the air source heat pump will run for longer than a conventional boiler, but will closely match the heating requirements of the house thanks to proper controls (for maximum energy efficiency).


  There are also some financial incentives for air source heat pumps.


  The Government’s Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) has been extended to include homes, and offers a tariff to those who install certain types of renewables on their homes.


  Only some air source heat pumps on the market are registered under the Micro generation Certification Scheme (MCS), and an accredited product has to be installed by an accredited installer to qualify for the RHI payments.


  These payments only run for 7 years, but are intended to pay for the additional capital costs of the system, over and above that of a traditional heating system, during this time.


  An air source heat pump can provide running cost savings for off-grid sites with no access to mains gas.


  Specifying an air source heat pump can provide a significant improvement against Part L of the Building Regulations, due to the way that heat pumps are modelled in the calculations.

  (指定空氣源熱泵可以為建筑法規的第 L 部分提供顯著的改進, 因為熱泵是在計算中模擬的。)

  There are however a few limitations that should be considered: (然而,應該考慮到一些限制:)

  Air source heat pumps tend to be much smaller than traditional gas boilers in terms of heat output, so it generally takes longer to heat up the hot water cylinder


  Most air source heat pump systems require the installation of an external box, which can be obtrusive in terms of noise and appearance


  In addition, there are a couple of other considerations that should be borne in mind:


  Air source heat pump efficiencies are generally stated at an external temperature of 7°C, which may not reflect the actual average efficiencies achieved during the year.


  During cold weather air source heat pumps can consume energy by having to defrost themselves, so may not be cost efficient during extended cold periods


  What are the Benefits of Air Source Heat Pumps? (空氣源熱泵的優點是什么?)

  Less space is required compared to other renewable products because the main unit is located outside.


  They are generally more cost effective to install than alternative renewable heating systems.


  On a well-designed heating system with under-floor heating and an outside air temperature of 7℃, air source heat pumps can reach efficiencies of up to 5.1kW of heat for every 1kW of electricity used.


  This is known as the COP (Coefficient of Performance). Electric storage heaters have a COP of 1kW of heat to every 1kW of electricity used.

  (這就是所謂的COP(性能系數)。 電存儲式加熱器每使用1kW電,COP的功率為1kW。)

  Can be used with radiators and under-floor heating systems.(可以與散熱器和地板下的加熱系統一起使用。)

  Only 1 fuel bill is required for your home as they only require electricity to run.


  Very reliable as there are no hot burners required. (非常可靠,因為不需要熱燃燒器。)

  Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI) funding available. (可再生熱激勵(RHI)資金。)

  How do Air Source Heat Pumps work? (空氣源熱泵如何工作?)

  1. Ambient air(環境空氣)

  Heat is extracted from the ambient air. (熱量從環境空氣中提取。)

  2. Refrigerant in tubes(制冷劑在管中)

  As the ambient air is pulled through the evaporator, refrigerant is circulated through the evaporator.


  3. Compressor(壓縮機)

  This raises the temperature of the refrigerant and turns the liquid refrigerant to gas.


  4. Condensed refrigerant(冷凝的制冷劑)

  The hot gas is then passed through a condenser where the heat is passed onto water.


  5. Expansion Valve(膨脹閥)

  Once the heat has been removed the hot gas turns back into a liquid to start the cycle again.


  Heat pumps have been gaining in popularity in recent years due to rising energy prices and falling technology costs.


  As most people probably know, a heat pump can provide a substantially greater amount of heat than the electricity it consumes simply because it just moves heat around instead of generating it.


  The resulting ability to operate at 200%, 300% or even higher efficiencies gives heat pumps quite a bit of cool cleantech appeal.



  Heat Pump Cycle(熱泵循環)、1. Fan(風扇)、2. Vapour(蒸汽)、3. Warm Vapour(溫暖的蒸汽)、4. Condensed vapour(冷凝蒸汽)

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